Thursday, February 2, 2012

Murphy's Law

Yes. Today was one of those days - what could go wrong did go wrong, and by the time I got in the car to drive home, I felt like I had been there for days.

Here is how the morning was supposed to go:
Morning routine
Library time
Room 4 Students leave and the others do pacer testing
Tracing shadows
Pacer Test for Room 4 students
Computer lab at 11:30am and I go home.

A pretty typical Thursday, with the exception of the Pacer Testing, because that's something we only do once a month. Pacer testing is a way of measuring physical development - each month the kids have to listen to this CD and run from one line to another in a set amount of time. They continue to do this and I keep track of how many laps they can make before they get to tired to make any more.

Anyway, this is how the day really went:
Morning routine
Library time
Room 4 students leave and Boom Box for Pacer test won't work, so I lead Shadow Tracing while Mrs. Brasler goes to find another one.
Ryan barfs all over his shadow, himself, and Austin K, who had been on the ground tracing the shadow.
Mrs. Brasler has to take them to the nurse. Still no boom box.
Improvisational game of follow the leader (away from the barf), until Mrs. Brasler comes back.
Back up plan - I lead a center of Groundhog Day related worksheets and drawings. Mrs. Brasler takes the other half outside to listen to a book on tape.
Recess - Lizzeth's finger ends up reopening a cut on her finger and freaks out about blood.
Pacer test for ALL Room 3 students
Everyone is late to computer lab.
I leave at 12pm

The good things? I gave Lizzeth an AR test this morning and she got 4 out of 5 questions correct! Then we went back and read the book again, but together with her reading the words she had memorized or could sound out and me filling in the blanks. And...I got these yellow flowers.


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