Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day from Room 3! We were all decorated and ready to celebrate today. Very wound up and we hadn't even started the consumption of sugar yet...oh dear. I brought Winnie the Pooh Valentines and sorted them before the kids got in the room; but they were having a really hard time not coming in to see the growing pile of Valentines yet to be sorted into their bags.

Earlier this week, they made zebra bags to carry all the Valentine's Day goodies they received from their friends - so cute! I even got one of my own.

All of these goodies (below) had to be placed in the bags above. What a big job this was! They had to do it as one of their center rotations, and it was a pretty challenging task for them - especially for the children who had written names on all of their cards. So. much. stuff. Everyone was so excited when they brought in their bags and saw how this pile was growing.

At first recess, I set all of the bags out on the calendar rug with aisles for easy deposition of Valentines. By the end of the center rotations - bags were overflowing!

The rest of the centers were special and Valentine-themed as well. At one center they were making "love-bugs" to take home that afternoon....

The math center was counting and graphing candy hearts - tempting not to eat them before counting.

And here's my center. We were making mosaic hearts with glue and tissue paper to be taken home to each student's family as a Valentine. We struggled with the concept of "the less glue the better" today, but it's okay because I think they will still come out great. It was a pretty easy center to lead, I just had to make sure the kids were understanding the concepts of overlapping their tissue paper to make sure there were no empty spots.

I got my own bag too (he lost an ear)! And it was full of little treats that the Room 3 students brought to me for Valentine's Day. I am so spoiled! Who needs boys when you've got a class full of 28 kindergarteners who bring you chocolate and roses and tell you you're beautiful? :)

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