Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me (cha-cha-cha)!!!

Last Thursday was my birthday and I started it out perfectly with all 27 smiling faces in Room 3! They sang me Happy Birthday at the start of the morning routine, making me wear a crown and practically begging me to let them sing the version with "cha-cha-chas" in between each verse. After library time they got to celebrate by eating Animal Crackers during quiet snacks/recess.

Today was reading day - I read a "silly" book titled Kiss Me, I'm Perfect to get in the mood for Valentine's Day. It was about a girl who had no clean laundry so she had to wear this embarrassing shirt that her grandma got her that said "Kiss Me I'm Perfect" on it. On her way to school a bunch of animals kept kissing her, and she ultimately changes her mind about the shirt, so she calls her grandma and has her buy one for everyone in her school. It was cute and the kids got some good giggles during it. My favorite activity after we read a book is to let them go back and pick out the page that was their favorite part of the story and tell me why. I can't pick out my favorite first though, otherwise they all copy me. Even when I tell them at the end, a lot of of them say, "Oh actually that one is my favorite."

When ever they rotated to a new center, they would all take a moment to say happy birthday to me on their own and it was just cute and so innocently considerate. I drove home that morning just overcome with happiness about how lucky I am to be in this field and to have this as my future career.

Interesting new obstacle that has been added to the classroom environment - Addison fell off a wall at home and broke her ankle. She's not allowed to put any weight on it and she's too young for she's in a wheel chair for the next month.  When I'm there, I'm the one that wheels her around, and she can push herself short distances, but it's been really challenging for Mrs. Brasler when I'm not around and they need to get around campus, or maneuvering her around the classroom (which is not really wheel chair accessible). So to be continued on that one...

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