Thursday, December 29, 2011

"When you get, give. When you learn, teach."

I don't expect to really have people follow this blog, other than my most dedicated friends who love to hear about my adventures in the classroom. But it is absolutely necessary that I start recording my experiences in the classroom and any other experiences I have that may directly relate to my future in the classroom.

So where am I at on my career path to the teaching field right now? I am in my junior year as a Liberal Studies major with an emphasis in Physical Education and a minor in Spanish. I know, what a mouthful. Ideally, I want to teach in a kindergarten classroom, but realistically I know I won't get to choose - lower elementary is the goal.

Currently I have an internship at a Southern California school in a kindergarten classroom with 28 beautiful, bright-eyed, curious kindergarteners and a wonderful and experienced master teacher. This upcoming semester I will be spending 4 hours every Tuesday and Thursday morning with them. Excitement does not begin to describe what I'm feeling about this.

I want to remember things I would like to use in my class in the future, or even things I don't like. I want to remember the silly and cute things I hear daily. I want to have record of how certain situations are handled or could be handled better. I want a place to record ideas and revelations I have in regard to my future career. I want to start working now to make myself a better teacher when I start out in my first job.

So this is going to be that place. I'm ready to document this adventure.